Bass Fishing Apr - May 2020 | Page 62

TACKLE TECH 60 While the Devil’s Horse and Frederick’s favorite custom version aren’t the largest topwater baits, they’re not just small-fish offerings. Even outside of Florida, big bass will key in on the popping, water-spewing prop bait. “It doesn’t discriminate,” Frederick says of the prop bait’s appeal. “It catches giants – 10-, 11-pounders – as well as 14-, 15-inchers.” Custom version or original, there are plenty of ways to modify a prop bait like the Devil’s Horse to make it do exactly what you want it to do – catch fish. Take Frederick’s advice if you want to catch a few more giants, espe- cially in Florida around the spawn. “You can do shorter pops with it where you’re not moving the bait as far,” Frederick explains of his one-prop setup. “You want to keep that bait in the strike zone, and you can do that with that single prop.” When the bait lands on any given cast, Frederick waits until the ripples dissipate before ever moving his bait. He wants subtlety and finesse, and he wants that bait around any potential bedding bass as long as possible. He pops the bait with short rod twitches, one twitch at a time, and then waits. In many cases, the slow presen- tation allows bass to come to the sur- face and simply suck the bait down, which promotes better hookups than a reckless surface strike and results in fewer lost fish. Frederick is also exacting about his equipment. He’ll use either a 7-foot, 2- inch, medium-heavy rod or a 7-foot, medium-heavy rod depending on how precise he needs to be with his cast, and he’s a proponent of using monofil- ament line as opposed to braid or braid-to-leader. FLWFISHING.COM | MAJORLEAGUEFISHING.COM | APRIL-MAY 2020