Bass Fishing Apr - May 2020 | Page 39

IT’S PERSONAL By Justin Onslow PHOTOS BY JUSTIN ONSLOW For Lance Freeman, the Asian carp crisis hit home – and he’s hitting back APRIL-MAY 2020 | MAJORLEAGUEFISHING.COM | FLWFISHING.COM A sk any angler about their favorite lake, river or pond, and they’ll likely tell you some- thing similar. In most cases, it’s the body of water they grew up fishing. It’s where a family member or friend taught them how to spool a reel and soak a worm. It’s home. For many in western Kentucky and Tennessee, that body of water – or bodies of water – is Kentucky Lake and neighboring Lake Barkley. The sister reservoirs created by damming the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, respectively, are home for countless anglers and a booming source of industry in the region, from tourism and boating to commercial and sport fishing. They’re also home to countless fish that aren’t supposed to be there. The Asian carp crisis is well-documented by now, but perhaps it’s not documented as well as it should be considering how strong a foothold the invasive carp species have gotten in U.S. waterways. Bighead carp and silver carp – the two main targets of widespread efforts for control and eradication – were introduced into the Mississippi River system by mistake and have migrated into the Ohio, Tennessee and other major rivers. It’s a mistake that everyone is now paying for. It’s a mistake Lance Freeman wants to remedy, thousands of pounds at a time. 37