Bass Fishing Apr 2018 | Page 32

TAKEOFF BASS SCIENCE MONITORING THE RESOURCE hoW Modern fisheries ManaGeMent techniques iMprove Bass fishinG By TJ Maglio photoS CoURteSy oF keNtUCky depARtMeNt oF FISh ANd wIldlIFe ReSoURCeS C aring for fisheries and recommending proper regulations is the job of fish- eries biologists and managers at both federal and state agencies. It’s not an easy or simple job, but the work they do helps to ensure the quality of the resource for the future. you’ve maybe seen them at work – local biologists out on the lakes and rivers collecting data while you’re fishing – but you might not know much about what they’re actually doing. that’s why we provided this short summary of some of the important field techniques modern fisheries biologists use, and what they tell us about a fishery. 30 Biologists in Kentucky perform a survey on captured bass as part of an electrofishing study. FLWFISHING.COM I APRIL 2018