Bass Digest July 2014 Issue 9 | Page 38

them, we caught bass that were 25cm long that weighed about 500g. Their stomachs were as round as saucers.

Bass Digest: At some point in the morning, we take a breather. It’s a good thing as Mark is tired of talking so much, and my hand is aching from holding the camera. He whips out his iPod along with his “Vaping” tools and puffs away happily, while the likes of ACDC and Bon Jovi keeps the mood jovial.

Mark moves to deeper cliffs where the Allens show us their jigging technique. Excitement is at a high, the banter is in full swing between Father and Son, and the betting seems to get under way – “What are we going to bet to see who gets the first fish? Hey and it better be a decent fish, not a dink!” Mark promptly loses a fish and Cameron keeps quiet very quickly. Cameron pitches and within 10 seconds is into the fish that Mark just lost – poacher!! Now Cameron is all smiles now that he has this bet sorted, and Mark helps him land a nice 1kg+ fish to get the mood even higher. A few more witty chirps are flung loosely around, but the general feeling of achievement is greeted by high fives between Dad and Son. An awesome sight indeed to see that!

With a good fish on board, concentration levels are turned up a notch. Mark and Cameron are now hitting the steep banks feverishly with their jigs, their rod tips swishing as they try and pop the jig into the path of a waiting bass slab. Indeed Mark does hook into one, but sadly loses it right at the boat.

In the midst of our discussion, the topic of rugby comes up. Here’s how it went!

Bass Digest: So Mark, I take it you support the Sharks?

Mark Allen: Definitely, all the way. Unlike some other people on the boat - I’m even too embarrassed to say who he supports on camera

Cameron Allen: I support the Blue Bulls!!!

Bass Digest: What do you consider your fishing strengths?

Bass Digest/July, 2014