Bass Digest July 2014 Issue 9 | Page 28

Bass Digest: “What happens on tour stays on tour” but at Bass Digest we like to tell all. What is your funniest moment you can recall on tour?

Marc Bywater: Looking back now it’s funny but at the time it wasn’t. It was in my fist year of qualifying for the Western Cape team and I was fishing nationals at Albert falls. I had decided to go to town on the rest day and left the chalets at Bon Accord. I unhitched my boat from my car and didn’t realise how steep the incline was that I had parked on. The boat hopped over the bricks I had placed under the tyres and proceeded to drag me down the hill. I held on to the trailer hitch for dear life digging my barefooted heels into the ground until I luckily managed to stop the boat before it reached the edge to which there

would have been no hope for me

or my boat. I screamed furiously for

15 minutes until one member of the

team heard me. His eyesight was not

so great or his hearing, and he

proceeded to return to the chalet of

which I thought he was getting help.

After another 10 minutes of pain and

bleeding feet, my team members

finally ran to my aid and helped me

secure my boat. At the time I viewed

this as a serious close shave but now

we laugh about it.

Bass Digest: What advice do you

have for young aspiring bass anglers

that hope to achieve the level of

fishing you have?

Marc Bywater: I think you have to

set yourself a goal from the start, but

make them realistic and achievable

goals. Every angler started fishing

because they love it; this is

omething you must never ever forget.

Bass Digest: Marc, thank you for your time and we look forward to keeping track of your future bassing achievements

Marc Bywater: Thanks for the invitation to participate, and for the effort you place in your online magazine. I did not know Shahid, but would like to share my condolences with the Bass Digest Team and family for the sad news of the passing of Mohammed Shahid Ebrahim.

Best of luck and lets go fishing when you down in the Cape!

Represented S.A. in 7 Internal Tests

Member of the Protea Team from 2004-2010

Bass Federaton Nation Alabama S.A. Representative

Currently Fishing Y-Bass

Bass Digest/July, 2014