Bass Digest July 2014 Issue 9 | Page 12

What a Fisherman! Shahid was, and a true gentleman and sports ambassador.

He would always greet me with “Mr T” and a big smile. Then we would inevitably talk fishing and tactics, new baits, lures, rods and reels as well as boats.We would be able to talk about this for the whole day if it wasn’t for us having to get our boats ready for the day’s competition. Shahid was one of those few guys that would actually give you proper quality advice on what to do and how to do it on the water. I saw many times he would offer his valuable advice to other competitors when they were struggling to get a bite, whereas Shahid was hooking them left right and centre, or even when Shahid was struggling.

He had time for everyone.

One particular early cold morning in October at Klerkskraal, I happened to be fishing with another person on his boat, and Shahid had joined us on his boat, so as we launched I pointed out to Shahid a male bass next to a female on a bed. We both had a few tentative throws at both of them, but the boats, which had been launched right on top of them, had made them tight lipped and spooked. Shahid said to me, “We will get them at the end of the day when we come back.” So we left them to calm down. It was a beautiful calm day on the water with plenty of fish being caught. It was nearing the end of the day and we decided to make our way back to the launch site. As we came around the corner, there Shahid was, perched like a heron on the bow of his boat intently focused on the target. So instead of coming in and potentially spooking the fish, we just sat back and watched as the Maestro went to work on his targets. After a few attempts he managed to nail the Buck bass. Then he went for the trophy fish, the Hen, near her bed. Again with master precision, he placed his plastic craw on the target and skillfully inched the intruding craw into the nest and onto the sweet spot. Still perched on the bow, the ninja struck. The rod bent and then went straight. As he looked at the snapped line wafting in the air, Shahid’s face was one of shock and utter bewilderment. All he could say was, “But how?” He was determined to get his beloved craw back. I spotted the hen bass still on her bed and told Shahid to try again. So he re-tied and had another go. 5 min later, Wham! Shahid hooked her and fought her like a pro. Lips landed her and a beautiful healthy hen of 1,8Kg was admired. Shahid then told me his other craw was still in her mouth. Shahid removed the other craw out and graciously placed the hen back into the water. It wasn’t the biggest fish but it was the challenge and stealth and skill that Shahid had to perform to coax that fish onto his lure. You should have seen the smile on his face. It was one of happiness and satisfaction. The proverbial ‘cat that got the milk look’. It was just amazing to sit back and watch.

Another fishing trip! To Komatipoort to go catch the Mighty African Tiger fish. I had the privilege to accompany Shahid all the way on this trip. Man, what a blast - literally. Shahid pulled out his iPad and placed it between us then asked what music I liked to listen to. Well, it turned out to be exactly the same as what Shahid was into. We listened to some great music with the music videos playing. There were some awesome laser and light effects happening in the car that night. It must have looked like a hectic techno rave / disco house party rocking in that car. At one time I put my sunglasses on! Shahid just looked at me and started laughing. Even Paul and Theo, whom we were following that night, commented, “What a hell of a party you guys must be having in that car. Can we join you guys?” I think they thought the police were after them with all those flashing lights going. Cars passing by and pedestrians must have thought we were a flying UFO!

I was still pumped up and jiving 2 hours after we had reached our destination and those flashing lighting effects were in my dreams that night.

After all the comps Shahid would come around with his “chips”. He loved his chips! Shahid would always go around offering them to everyone.

I know wherever Shahid is now; he’s catching 13pound bass on a magical lake.

Shahid, I will miss you calling me “Mr T” and those chips of yours, always! I will miss that friendly smile and sincere handshake of yours!

But I will never forget you buddy!

I too will always have a place on my boat for you.

Tight lines Shahid!

By Tristan Wood

Bass Digest/July, 2014

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same