Bass Digest February 2014 Issue 4 | Page 33

Bass Digest/February, 2014

This was in hope that we could find similar sized fish. As we picked up our rods the water around us became very active with fish. I had never seen anything like it, it was phenomenal to me, as Bass and Carp were chasing big shoals of gillcristella to the surface. However, I focused on the standing timber ahead and armed with my mojo rod and a BBB triple tail minnow (Hematoma) started targeting possible laydowns next to the thick stumps. It wasn't long until I felt the highly anticipated knock. I struck and immediately felt that he had wrapped me up... SNAP!... No more mojo rig. Not the greatest way to start the day, so I retied and 5 minutes later had our first keeper for day 2. Yes please!!

We fished around for a couple more hours running all over the place in search of some fish with no luck whatsoever. We eventually made our way to a long stretch of bank and started casting Jewel Swim-jigs 45 degrees to the bank and worked them thoroughly. We were under pressure and getting anxious as we only had one keeper in the boat. Marc put on some music which calmed the atmosphere a little. Not long and I was eaten up by a nice keeper. We finally had bag! Not long after and I had another in the boat to upgrade our smaller fish. Then it was Marc's turn with another keeper. I must be honest I think the beat of the song was making them more agressive.

Marc had a meeting in Elgin, so we had to get off the water earlier. As he packed up his things he left me to work the area thoroughly with a swim-jig and a 5" cane thumper trailer. I was determined to haul in the final upgrade of the day. Then it happened... A massive thud just off the channel, I struck with all fury and felt immediate weight. It was a good fish and it tried to wrap me around the trolling motor and had me back and forth on the boat. Eventually we netted a lovely 1.6kg. I was really chuffed to have contributed to the bag. Our day 2 bag weighed in at 2.9kg, and placed Team Falcon Outdoors365 2nd overall.

Prize giving took place 2 hours after weigh-in. John Bulpitt and his partner came 1st with bags over 4kg on both days. Well done Mark and Tony! Marc and I came 2nd overall, however Marc had already left for Elgin for his meeting. In 3rd position was Dean and Mike de Wet with some good bags which included a 3kg fish.

Well done to all the other competitors. The 2014 TWK Classic was definitely a memorable one. I met many new people and had many great laughs with some friends.

Thank you to Tafelberg Bassmasters for a well organised event!