Basic Payment Scheme Update August 2014 August 2014 | Page 8
H ow to c alc ulate EFA:
3. Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs)
Farmers with more than 15 hectares of ‘arable
land’ will have to have an EFA equivalent to 5%
of the arable area, unless they qualify for one
of the exemptions. You can check whether the
EFA will apply to you by using the flow chart
titled ‘How to calculate EFA’ .
I s th e re > 1 5 h a ( 3 7 a c re s ) o f a ra bl e l a n d ?
I s th e re > 7 5 % o f a ra bl e
l a n d i n te mpo ra r y gra s s,
f a l l ow o r l e g u me s
The percentage of land required for EFAs will
be reviewed again in 2017 and it is anticipated
that the percentage will increase to 7%.
I s th e re > 7 5 % o f to ta l
l a n d i n gra s s ( pe r ma n e nt
o r te mpo ra r y ) ?
Once the EFA has been assessed, claimants
will need to select from a list of EFA options
how they will meet the scheme requirements.
Each of the options has a weighting factor,
therefore one hectare of land should not be
assumed to provide one hectare of EFA