Basement Remodeling Tips For Finished Basement And Interior Finishing | Page 12


Spray Rigs

� With these , you spray mud on the wall and plaster it with a knockdown knife . The important step is to ensure that the mud should be sprayed heavily . Then , allow some time before the tools are applied . Because this is a delicate task , you will require professional hands . Using spray rigs requires huge labour ; applying technical knowledge is a must .


� The framing process is the first step many professional interior finishing companies start with . The mud is flattened before hanging the drywall during this process . Twisted studs or bumps may be detected in ceiling joist . To correct these , an 8 ” straight edge is used . But some professional companies may replace the studs entirely . Studs are either replaced when they stick out or flushed out if shallow . Either way , the choice depends largely on the requirement involved .

Selecting suitable finishes for rooms

� It can be very tiring to select the appropriate interior finishing for the home . Depending on the usage , bedrooms can be designed and finished to meet certain needs . For kid ’ s bedroom , lots of color should be used whereas adult rooms should be furnished to meet the demand of the occupant . Wooden designs are feasible and practical for use in the kitchen . This is because cabinets , shelves , and side laundry room are regular features in the kitchen .