Basement Remodeling Read This If You Are Thinking Of Basement Remodeli | Page 7

Not Sure How to Organize Basement Storage? Here is What You Can Do! • Inspect the Entire Space • You have to be very careful when making your basement a storage space because it should not be too wet or cold. It makes great sense to invest in a dehumidifier if you have excessive humidity in the basement – a humidifier will work great to prevent wall damages from excessive moisture level. In case of high humidity, you may also benefit from storing all your stuff in plastic bags. Plastic bins are also available that work just fine. • Take Safety Measures • You can have shelves installed in your basement for added storage, but you need to take safety measures here. Ensure that the shelves are sturdy enough to hold boxes and bins in place. Consider how heavy the stuff you will be storing on those shelves. You should never place heavier stuff on shelves higher than 50 inches or else you run the risk of injuring yourself. It is a good idea to contact a professional not only to remodel your basement for all the stuff you have but also to move the old junk that might be heavy and dangerous.