Warm Up Ideas
1. Bridge Stone Tree Relay
Warm Up’s
Teams of 6 line up behind a cone. The coach signals and first team member runs out in front
of team and makes a bridge; second person runs out, runs under bridge and makes a stone;
third person runs out, under bridge, over the stone and makes a tree; fourth person runs out
under bridge, over stone and around tree and repeats on the way back to tag fifth member,
who repeats and tags sixth. When sixth (last) person runs around tree, the tree follows them
back, when the tree jumps over the stone the stone follows back, the stone goes under
bridge and the bridge follows back. First team back wins. Repeat 2-3 times then change
bridge, stone and tree.
2. Weave Relay
Teams of 5-6 players line up with 1-2 metres between each member of the team.
On a signal from the coach the last person sprints down weaving between each member of
their team. Players then go around front person, and weave back to tag next person in line.
Second runner weaves down around front person and around back and tags third runner.
Repeat until front runner weaves up around and back and weaves down to their position.