Running a Session of Aussie T-Ball
Each session of Aussie T-Ball should run for no longer than 1 hour.
The hour can either be split up as:
• Half an hour of multi activity stations culminating in a half hour game of
Aussie T-Ball; or
Set Up
• A full hour game of Aussie T-Ball.
You may like to run two sessions a week; one session in each format. This all depends on
your club, local competition structure, and the general interest of children. If you only run one
session of Aussie T-Ball a week then it is suggested that you run the multi activity session.
Aussie T-Ball Session Plans and Set Up
• Set up the field into a variety of activity stations: throwing, fielding, hitting and
base running.
• It is recommended that all stations are set up before the commencement of
each session. This will allow for a smoother transition between stations.
• Choose a game sense activity for each activity including a warm up.
Try to choose activities that are suitable for your participants age and ability.
• Divide your players up into even teams and assign each team to an activity.
Team size will vary depending on the activity however teams of 6 are encouraged.
• Set a time limit for each drill. This may vary however each activity should last for
5-10 minutes.
Once all teams have completed their activities players are then encouraged to have a
game of Aussie T-Ball.