Activity 4: Bombard
2 or more teams working in parallel throw tennis balls at a large target ball and
try to move the target ball over a goal line. (4 or more players.)
What to do
• Mark out throwing line and goal line for both parallel teams.
• Each player is given two baseballs.
• Coach calls out PLAY BALL which is the sign that players are to throw baseballs at the
large target ball.
• If necessary, call ‘STOP!’, allowing players to retrieve balls that are in their playing area - this may
include some opposition balls. Restart play once all players have moved back out of the playing area.
• Allow time-outs to discuss tactics.
• First target ball to cross the goal line scores a point.
What you need
Skill focus
• Playing area around half the size of a
volleyball court divided into separate areas.
• Markers to define playing area, throwing
line and goal line.
• Two large target balls.
• 2 baseball per player.
Improves throwing accuracy, teamwork
and communication.
Change it/TREE
Vary the size of the target ball.