Baseball Magazine January 2015 | Page 7

When you dont hit it squarely the bat hurt in your hands with wood, that does not happen with aluminum, because aluminum makes a strong contact easier.

Games are shorter with wood because balls hit on the ground are outs.What is a double with wood with aluminum is a homerun, and the guy who have a batting average of .325 can become .450.

The game is better with wood but the problem is that wood is more expensive and the bats cost more. In the MLB every player has their own bats but in high school is different, the teams have some team bats that everyone can use.

Switching from wood to aluminum makes the game more about outscoring the opponet and less about strategy.

Theoretically there are 3 biggest diffrences between wood and aluminum . The first one is that the wood is definitely a lot less and more expensive. The second one is that the aluminum makes getting contac easier, and the last one is that the game is more exiting with wood.

wood vs aluminum(bats)