that the number of British residents in Las Palmas had risen to 437, compared to
the 79 registered in the Villa de La Orotava.
5. What is the name of the British company who designed La Luz Port?
The name is the British company who designed La Luz Port is British company
6. What famous English writer praised the Canarian wine in his plays?
Name three of his plays where he mentions the excellences of Canarian
The famous English writer who praised the Canarian wine in his plays was William
Three of his plays wherementions the excellence of Canarian wine were: Henry Tv,
The Merry Wives Windsor and Twelfth Nigth
7. What was the name given to the residential area of the British colony in
las Palmas?
The name given to the residential area of the colony was "Las Alcarvaneras"
8. Why did the Canary Islands become a popular place for British colony in
the beginning of the 20th century in Las Palmas?
The Canary Island became the health resolt for the English
Because the weather is better here
9. What epitaph can you read in Sydney Alfred Jones’ grave located in the
British cemetery of Las Palmas?
«Sleeping on the island that I loved» (Sleeping on the island I loved)
10.When was the Queen Victoria Hospital opened? Where was it located?
The Queen Victoria Hospital, also known as El Hospital Inglés, was founded in
1891.Located at Sagasta Street nº 52, close to La Luz Port
11. What sports did the British introduce in our islands? Name at least
three sports club they founded in the Canary Islands.