Yellow/Green: predominant nutrient- lutein
Lutein targets particularly eye health and the
degeneration that can occur in the eyes from
age. Lutein is also paired with high levels
of vitamin C, which aid in boosting one’s
immune system. Foods which will give you
these nutrients are kiwi fruit, pistachio nuts,
green melon, spinach, and avocado. Avocado
and Pistachio nuts have the added benefit of
being a very healthy oil as well, and will help
to sustain your energy levels throughout the
day- as well as to contribute to your omega-3
Red: Predominant nutrient, Lycopene.
Foods in shades of red have multiple benefits for
the body such as providing tannins which reduce
the risk of bacteria staying in the body, vitamin
C, and lycopene- a strong antioxidant. The PBH
mentions that cooking red foods such as tomatoes
increases the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients
and is, in fact, more beneficial to the body in
this form. Foods which contain these wonderful
benefits are things such as tomatoes, beetroot,
watermelon, raspberries, guavas, and grapefruit.
This food group is arguably the tastiest- so these
can often be used as a delicious treat as a healthier
replacement for dessert.
Yellow/Orange: predominant nutrient,
Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.
These are both antioxidants, as well
as helping with vision. The PBH also
notes that this food group is a large
contributor to skin and bone health,
making it crucial in warding off
diseases such as osteoporosis. To get
your daily intake of these nutrients,
you should be adding foods such as
carrots, pumpkin/butternut, mangos,
oranges, and sweetcorn into
your daily diet.
Not only do these foods help
with your vision, but they also enhance
the appearance of any plate by adding
their bright, beautiful color!
To ensure that you are getting all the nutrients
your body needs in a day, start counting colors.
Liven up your day by picking foods to eat from
each of the groups above and put together
delicious, nutritious combinations.
What artwork of food will you be feeding your
body today?