BANZA May 2016 Issue | Page 105

Passionate Living I believe everyone has that still voice which is deep in our hearts reminding us that we should be doing something so as to enhance transformation in the world and explore particular aspects of life for this generation. That is called passion. If you have realized and started living passionately on the things you love doing, and you are passionate about, thumbs up for you. However, if you are still hesitant and have not yet started to awaken your passion fully in doing something and you feel you need to start doing something about it immediately, then these three tips are for you; 1)Be Fearless When it comes to living our passion and dreams, a lot of us are afraid of the unknown. Fear makes us think that something negative will happen when the truth is we do not know what will happen. At this point, apply courage by following your instincts and start to undertake the particular thing with which you are passionate. Do not worry, just be fearless, do your best and you will be very surprised when God does the rest. 3)Seek Guidance. First, seek guidance from God. Take some time to pray to God and ask him to help you live out your destiny. Miracles from the Almighty do happen. Second, seek guidance from mentors, because they too, play a role in helping you arrive at your future. Mentors want the best in us and for us, and therefore, a good mentor will surely guide you well and show you the correct paths to take for you to achieve passionate living. In you lies answers to particular questions the world needs addressed and your passion may be just what the world awaits. Be a gift to the world and find out what you are passionate about and start living passionately! I wish you all the best. May God Bless you so much. Charles Msilanga. B 2)Enough Waiting Procrastination is the biggest enemy to fruitful and fulfilling living. The excuse is always; a feeling that the time to awaken our passion and to have a fulfilling life with our gifts has not yet arrived. Thus, we get stuck. Let me tell you; do not wait for the perfect moment but take the moment and make it perfect. Life is an enjoyable adventure that becomes even greater when we live to fulfill our passion. Start NOW. LIFESTYLE