of the
Where there is love, there is life.
Mahatma Gandhi
Candles have a peaceful ambiance
about them; they create an aura of
romance and holiness.
Most nights, at least the ones I manage
to, I try to light up candles and just be
by myself to reflect, think about
something or nothing, and feel a sense
of peace.
The power of a single conviction is
enough to move masses to action or
inaction, like the power of a single
candle to light up an entire hall, similar
to the heart which can rule the mind.
These same causes are like flames
on a candle; they burn in a peaceful,
steady and almost silent, unnoticed
manner. But they still burn. They still
produce light.
And our hearts desires, our genuine
hearts purpose manifests in the same
We feel in certain ways about certain
things. And when we look closer or
listen more intently, we get to
experience the flame with increasing
Our potential as humans is crazy!
It’s 2016 and what we have achieved
is phenomenal. But we haven’t yet
I believe that our hearts have candles
reached our climax. Because there
in them.
are so many of us, and each of us has
a candle in the heart, and that candle
These candles have everlasting wax that
is burning with a flame so real and
produces flames of cause for as long as
impactful, waiting to be released to
we live.
our world, to shine bright, to inspire
and illuminate lives and to make the
Companies open up because of a
world a better place.
burning desire to create something or
change something- a cause.
It’s that simple.
Strikes occur, and revolutions take
place because of a burning desire to
What’s your flame?
effect change- a cause.
Babies are made, and relationships are
Find it.
formed because of a burning desire to
create something new, something great
Happy reading
and beautiful- a cause.
Eric Maingi