Partnerships and networks are
No man is an island.
Autisme Maurice has
partnerships with other
organisations which are involved
in the same exercise around
the world. They have a partner
organisation in Reunion which
offers assistance with specialist
training and education and
advice. On the other hand,
Alefpa France deals with an
assortment of disabilities and it
provides managerial support.
Locally, they are a member of
Inclusion, an umbrella organ for
12 organisations dealing with
disabilities. Its primary role is to
create awareness about disability.
Apart from that, volunteers,
who are mostly student interns
work with them especially in
Motivation is essential
"My prime motivation is my son.
Because of him, I am always in
motion, pursuing this course.
One day he’ll be grown up and
independent. Therefore, I want
to walk with him in all stages of
that transition.’’
Although she is a talented and
passionate artist, Mrs Affejee has
not been practicing for a long
time now. "Life is incessantly
evolving. Priorities change. Right
now I am not even thinking
about it.
“ day he’ll
be grown up and
Therefore, I want
to walk with him
in all stages of that