Opportunity of Time
Maatla Kgasa
In 1935
, there was a type
writer manufacturing company called
Smith Corona which was the world's
largest company by turnover. A young
man by called Richard walked into
the offices of Smith Corona to pitch an
idea of making a computer the size of a
typewriter. They turned him down. He
went on to start his company. His last
name was Dell. Richard Dell started Dell
Computers which went on to become the
largest private company ever.
My point is a simple one; the extent at
which we are ready to cannibalize our
business innovation happens when
something we know meets with what we
don't know. It's high time we stop asking
our kids what they want to be when they
grow up and instead switch the question
to what problems do they want to solve.
In that manner, we are challenging them
to look for opportunities that lie in these
problems and capitalize on that.