Why did he choose to facilitate? Katleho
says, “Because of the transformational
moments when you can see in students’
eyes – the ‘I get it’ look. And the
interaction with the great minds that exist
in the ALU community is very exciting.”
Halfway in the talk, the room gets superhot – Banza and Katleho debate in their
minds on whether a fan should be on;
Katleho decides – we turn on the fan, and
are both left mostly in peace.
This is why Fred Swaniker hand-picked
him in a minute and a half, I’m thinking:
because of the quick-sharp mind, daring,
and philosophical approach. When they
had their first conversation, they must have
come over as Sherlock Holmes and
Dr Watson.
Being in the ‘kitchen’ of ALU, Katleho
says, “When you are looking at education,
consider your passion, what you’re good
at, what else is available, and always work
“In most societies people wait for
from there. My guide always said, ‘go to
governments to act, for power to make a
school to get an education and not just a
transformation. This needs to change,” he profession.’ Many go to university with a
says. “We need to empower people with
particular passion but end up working in
mindsets to act in whatever environments areas that are very different. What puts a
they are in, and transform their
person ahead in life is the ability to respond
immediate space.”
to that change, because life by its very
nature is very unpredictable.”
As one of the Entrepreneurial Leadership
facilitator, he gets to do just that – to
empower people’s mind-sets.
... everyone
looked at me as
a lawyer. I was
good at law, but I
wasn’t passionate
about it.