BANZA December 2015 Issue | Page 27

They treat those they don’t like with civility. Whatever your feelings are for someone, that person will be highly attuned to your attitude, and will likely reflect it back to you. If you are rude to them, they will likely throw away all decorum and be rude to you too. The onus, therefore; is on you to remain fair, impartial and composed. They pause and take a deep breath. If you can pause and get a grip on your adrenaline pump and go to the intellectual part of your brain, you’ll be able to have a conversation and to skip over the judgment. A deep breath and one big step back can also help to calm you down and protect you from overreaction, thereby allowing you to proceed with a slightly more open mind and heart. They check their own expectations. If a person causes you to feel exactly the same way every time, adjust your expectations appropriately. This way you’ll be psychologically prepared and their behaviour will not catch you by surprise. Smart people do this all the time. They’re not always surprised by a dislikable person’s behaviour. They voice their own needs. If certain people constantly tick you off, calmly let them know that their manner of behaviour or communication style is a problem for you. Avoid accusatory language and instead try the “When you . . . I feel . . .” formula. They turn inwards and focus on themselves. No matter what you try, some people can still really get under our skin. It’s important that you learn how to handle your frustration when dealing with someone who annoys you. Instead of thinking about how irritating that person is, focus on why you are reacting the way you are. Sometimes what we don’t like in others is frequently what we don’t like in ourselves. Besides, they didn’t create the button, they’re only pushing it. They allow space between them. If all else fails, smart people allow space between themselves and those they don’t like. Excuse yourself and go on your way. If at work, move to another room or sit at the other end of the conference table. With a bit of distance, perspective, and empathy, you may be able to come back and interact both with those people you like and those you don’t like as if unfazed. Hopefully after reading this you will cancel that flight you booked and enjoy life .