I was once a refugee. But when I asked Belgians
in my class, they would say ‘we don’t have room
for them, we need to think about our economy.’
These refugees were sleeping in tents outside. In
Brussels, we have so many buildings which are
vacant but refugees not allowed to stay there. I
think to deny refugees proper shelter is the most
inhumane thing.”
After relocating to a more suitable spot, with
half sun and half shade, we now dive deeper
into our conversation. She’s in the sun because
she missed it. I, on the other hand, sitting in
shade – the sun is no big deal for me. Aimée has
a different view of Africans living outside Africa.
“I feel there’s an identity crisis in some Africans
“Some of us
do have a mission
to bring positive change
in the continent.
We want to start
companies and boost
economic development
or whatever our different
visions are.”
living outside Africa, not all,” she says. “Some of
us do have a mission to bring positive change in
the continent. We want to start companies and
boost economic development or whatever our
different visions are. Others would say ‘I feel like
my identity aligns more with Europeans; when I
look at Africans, I do not see myself.’ But Africa
is a long list of countries; you don’t put it in one
block. There’s someone you will identify with. >>