“For some reason I ended up in a country
“There’s a new generation, that I’m
which colonised Rwanda, so there’s no love
discovering online and everywhere I read,
towards that country,” she adds.
with big ambitions and visions. They want
to be Western to some extent. I feel there’s
“I am grateful that there is political stabil-
a lot of ‘copy-paste’ going on and loss of
ity and democracy, to some extent, where
the African tradition.
I live. Besides that, I feel like Africa would
have given me something that is
When I see an African youth, I would
expect so much ‘Africanity’, but I see a lot
of similarity to me. They’re so much into
We are now sitting in the backyard at
media; they want to say “I studied in the
Sheraton Parco de Medici on a wet, chilly
UK”, and I feel it’s quite sad. Africa has such
Friday afternoon. I’m curious to know what
a beautiful culture; why would anyone want
Aimée sees in Africa. “I see hope,” she says,
to mimic the western culture?”
“There’s a new generation,
that I’m discovering online and everywhere I read,
with big ambitions and visions.”