BANTU OF VAAL by Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka 2 | Page 36

Hi !! I am Ludwig Nzamba also known as " Katana ". I am a student in the city of Cape Town , the Mother City .
To new students here , I ' d like to strongly advise you so that you can behave better than the ones before you so that you don ' t get affected in your studies .
1st of all , be open minded and get to learn your English properly . Go out to practice and be patient . English might not be your home language but if you have to learn it , then do it well . And above all , be aware of crooks !!! Even in the Gabonese community .
For those coming here to spend a nice time for their holidays . There is only one word ,
!! ENJOY !!! Don ' t waste any moment , visit as fast as you can . There are numerous sites awaiting to be seen . Learn English as well it will help you . Thank you for reading this piece of advice . Bokaye !!!
3rd and last , when it comes to the academic part of your studies , Get focus on the tasks assigned to you . Don ' t spend your pocket money in a stupid and unnecessary way . This is kinda waste . You will have some regrets afterwards . You can reward yourselves when you are off school for a long weekend or during holidays but don ' t make it a bad habit .

Ludwig Nzamba

Hi !! I am Ludwig Nzamba also known as " Katana ". I am a student in the city of Cape Town , the Mother City .

To new students here , I ' d like to strongly advise you so that you can behave better than the ones before you so that you don ' t get affected in your studies .

1st of all , be open minded and get to learn your English properly . Go out to practice and be patient . English might not be your home language but if you have to learn it , then do it well . And above all , be aware of crooks !!! Even in the Gabonese community .

For those coming here to spend a nice time for their holidays . There is only one word ,

!! ENJOY !!! Don ' t waste any moment , visit as fast as you can . There are numerous sites awaiting to be seen . Learn English as well it will help you . Thank you for reading this piece of advice . Bokaye !!!

3rd and last , when it comes to the academic part of your studies , Get focus on the tasks assigned to you . Don ' t spend your pocket money in a stupid and unnecessary way . This is kinda waste . You will have some regrets afterwards . You can reward yourselves when you are off school for a long weekend or during holidays but don ' t make it a bad habit .