BANTU OF VAAL by Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka 2 | Page 17

Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka We had the opportunity to meet one of the person behind “Bantu of Vaal”, and despite her busy schedule, she could grant us a moment in her company. My name is KATUCIA Moussongo Bitsaka, I am from Gabon and I am currently studying at VUT (Vaal university of Technology). About “BANTU OF VAAL” I wanted to bring something new in the community especially as in charge of communication in the association. Also I wanted to exercise my skills; so I came up with the idea of a magazine. I have called some fellow countrymen to help me with the project and Ms Nzahou Claude Vanessa responded favorably. When I published the first issue “Bantu of Vaal” I got overwhelmed with a proud feeling. It was not about people or what people will think but about my accomplishments. About “THOUGHTS OF LIFE” “Thoughts of life “is like my brand. The idea was to gather all my short writings, articles into one place. I started on my blog: “Thoughts of life” come from my Facebook page and blog of the same name. I decided to keep the same name and have like a logo. Well inside I talk about many things, I just depend on the topic that cross my mind and I write about i twith the purpose of helping or bringing something positive. About “Fame” About “BLUES” I have never realised that I am a “AUTHOR”, it never crossed my mind. I am a person of few words and sometimes disclosing verbally is not an option for me, so I write. I write for pleasure, I write to free myself etc. When I started writing “Blues” it was not with the aim of publishing it. I just wanted to express my concern about “having the blues” and help people going through depression and issues of the same milieu. When it was done, I thought, who will read it? I know the story already. That’s where I started taking the road of publishing. You can find it on “Amazon”, Smarshword. Of course it is not the only book. I am currently working on a second one “My opinion on women empowerment.” Both will be soon available printed at "AFRICAN FLAVOUR" bookstore. Lol! I don’t think about fame, the most important thing for me is to express myself through the talent God has given me. I just want to do what I have to do and if it does bring people to know me or if it brings my name high, well may His will be. But sincerely, fame is not the goal. (WEBSITE) katucia Moussongo Bitsaka (Facebook) (BLOG)