Pratt ’ s Journal of Bankruptcy Law is published eight times a year by Matthew Bender & Company , Inc . Copyright © 2023 Matthew Bender & Company , Inc ., a member of LexisNexis . All Rights Reserved . No part of this journal may be reproduced in any form — by microfilm , xerography , or otherwise — or incorporated into any information retrieval system without the written permission of the copyright owner . For customer support , please contact LexisNexis Matthew Bender , 9443 Springboro Pike , Miamisburg , OH 45342 or call Customer Support at 1-800-833-9844 . Direct any editorial inquiries and send any material for publication to Steven A . Meyerowitz , Editor-in-Chief , Meyerowitz Communications Inc ., 26910 Grand Central Parkway Suite 18R , Floral Park , New York 11005 , smeyerowitz @ meyerowitzcommunications . com , 631.291.5541 . Material for publication is welcomed — articles , decisions , or other items of interest to lawyers and law firms , in-house counsel , government lawyers , senior business executives , and anyone interested in privacy and cybersecurity related issues and legal developments . This publication is designed to be accurate and authoritative , but neither the publisher nor the authors are rendering legal , accounting , or other professional services in this publication . If legal or other expert advice is desired , retain the services of an appropriate professional . The articles and columns reflect only the present considerations and views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the firms or organizations with which they are affiliated , any of the former or present clients of the authors or their firms or organizations , or the editors or publisher .
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