Banking e-report Banking e-report | Page 9

Banking & finance annual report Major deals helping to ‘solidify’ Portuguese banking sector Caixabank, Bankinter and Fosun deals have strengthened Portuguese banks by providing new capital at a time when financial institutions need to strengthen balance sheets Three international deals in 2016 will help to create a “more solid” Portuguese banking sector, according to Maria João Ricou, managing partner of Cuatrecasas in Portugal. Ricou, who heads the firm’s banking, finance and capital markets practice, says Caixabank’s acquisition of BPI, Bankinter’s purchase of Barclays’ Portuguese business and Fosun’s acquisition of a stake in BCP have “given a new financial strength to the targeted banks, namely by bringing new capital or reinforcing existing capital”. The deals come at a time when much of the sector faces the challenge of shoring up balance sheets by resolving problem assets, including non-performing loans and badly-performing real estate. “Banks must address the problem of potential capital needs that such exposures may raise, namely as a consequence of the more demanding regulatory requirements that have been imposed,” Ricou says. She adds that another challenge for the Portuguese banks will be to comply with the MREL [minimum requirement from own funds and eligible requirements] and issuing enough debt in the markets for that purpose. Meanwhile the full impact of the disruption to traditional banking models caused by the burgeoning fintech industry has yet to be felt, according to Ricou. “The digital revolution, as well as changes in financial services is under way, but the impact on current banking players and the banking market is not yet clear,” she explains. “The banks are still moving slowly in this regard, partly because the regulation and compliance rules are very strict – however, it is clear that it will be necessary to re-imagine the business model in order to meet the challenges of the digital revolution in the banking sector.” Adapting to this rapidly changing environment, in addition to dealing with the substantial regulatory changes imposed on the banking and financial sector, is the main task for banking lawyers, according to Ricou. She adds that, despite these challenges, the outlook is “more positive than last year”. Maria João Ricou Banking sector innovation bringing extra regulatory responsibilities The role of banks as financial intermediaries for new investment products has grown, while they also face more intervention from regulatory authorities and increased litigation, says Filipa Ruano Pinto, partner at SPS Advogados in Lisbon. “Banks are investing in innovation to deal with demands from a new type of millennial client,” adds Ruano Pinto. “Millennials are 20 to 40-year- olds who don’t go into banks, want to do everything online and only want to use th eir smartphone,” she explains. “This means that Portuguese banks are having to implement innovative systems that provide access for opening new accounts and advice on new products – these new products are then subject to heavy regulation related to consumer protection and IT security – for example, a major challenge will be the EU General Data Protection Regulation that must be implemented in May 2018.” In addition, Ruano Pinto says new fintech companies, client demands and less burdensome regulation in other jurisdictions could put Portuguese banks at a further commercial disadvantage. She argues lighter regulation in other jurisdictions will make them more attractive destinations for potential banking sector investors and consequently, Portuguese banks could lose business to companies in other jurisdictions . Ruano Pinto says that, in response, Portuguese banks must find new ways to face these challenges from competitors by emphasising what makes them different. “Banking activity is about trust and traditionally, banks have always been seen as trustworthy by clients,” she says. “As banking lawyers, our role is directly affected by these challenges – now, it’s not only about helping banks sell products and maintain relations with clients, but reinforcing confidence once again in banking institutions.” Filipa Ruano Pinto March / April 2017 • IBERIAN LAWYER • 33