Introducing Banking Association Member
Bank of China
Branch, as the first bank from mainland China in South Africa,
has consistently dedicated itself to enhancing the influence of
BOC in Africa. Based in South Africa with business expansion
to more than 20 African countries, BOCJHB has witnessed and
Name of bank: Bank of China Limited Johannesburg Branch
participated into the rapid development of the economic and
trade exchanges between China and South Africa, as well as
Owner: BOCJHB is a branch of Bank of China Limited
China and other African countries. It is continuously providing
Core business: Bank of China mainly operates the commercial
financial services of high quality and efficiency to clients, and
banking business including corporate banking, personal banking
also making significant contribution to the South African local
and financial market business. It also conducts businesses such as
social and economic development.
investment banking, insurance services, fund management services,
Any newsworthy changes in the bank’s structure or business in
direct investment and investment management, and aircraft leasing
the near future: BOCJHB was authorised by Bank of China to act as
via its subsidiary, subordinate and associate companies.
regional headquarter in sub-Saharan Africa,
In South Africa, Bank of China Johanwhich covers the Bank’s existing affiliated
nesburg Branch can provide business
institutions in South Africa, Zambia, Kenya,
services in all categories which comAngola, Ghana and Uganda. Other institutions
mercial banks offer, including corporate
in countries such as Nigeria, Cameron and
banking, personal banking and financial
Mauritius. BOC Durban Branch will come into
market services.
operation in the near future.
Target market: With commercial bankIs there a key product or initiative you wish
ing business as the core and foundato highlight? Due to the continuous economic
tion of Bank of China’s development,
growth of China, the huge scale of internathe client base of BOCJHB consists of
tional trade and the relative stability of Rencustomers from industries such as minminbi* (RMB, the official currency of People’s
ing, financial institutions, importing
Republic of China) value, RMB is increasingand exporting, media, manufacturing,
ly accepted across the world, offering a new
property development, infrastructure,
choice for national governments and enterenergy, and so forth. Through providing
prises in risk mitigation. Bank of China seizes
financial and credit services with good
the historic opportunity to vigorously promote
competitiveness to clients from local
its cross-border RMB business and ranked first
enterprises, Chinese “going global”
in the market in terms of cross-border RMB
enterprises, financial institutions and
settlement volume and number of accounts
overseas Chinese people, Johannesburg
Branch has been playing a vigorous and
Bank of China Johannesburg Branch is
proactive role in the economic developthe leader in providing RMB services in
ment and financial exchanges between
Zhikun Qiu, CEO, Bank of China
South Africa and other African countries.
China and African countries.
RMB services consist of all financial products and services of a
Core values or differentiators: Established in 1912, Bank of
commercial bank.
China has upheld the spirit of “pursuing excellence” throughout
International links: As the most internationalised and diversified
its century-long history. By enhancing the values of integrity,
bank in China, Bank of China provides full range of financial serperformance, responsibility, innovation and harmony, the Bank has
vices in China’s mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other 36
built up an excellent brand image which is widely recognised within
countries. The Bank leverages its overall advantages to improve its
the industry and by its customers.
global service capabilities for