Banker S.A. January 2015 - Edition 12 . | Page 43

TECHNOLOGY FRICTIONLESS PROCESSING To move away from customer frustration experienced while accessing banking products and services, we need to streamline the management and execution of processes. This is achieved through the implementation of straight-through processing, enabled through technology such as business process management, business rules processing and cloud orchestration. AS THE BANK’S CORE PRODUCTS ARE REPLACED BY DIGITAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND DIGITAL PRODUCTS, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT CUSTOMERS CAN ENGAGE THESE IN A FRICTIONLESS WAY, ACROSS THE WHOLE VALUE CHAIN. SIMPLIFIED PRODUCT MODEL Essentially, customers engage a bank either to borrow or save money. When they want to access this money, they do so through a set of predefined mediums – card transaction, EFT or through a mobile device. This simplified approach places the customer at the centre of the bank’s universe. Similarly, product design can be simplified by designing a base product that possesses all the possible product properties (such as the minimum and maximum balances) and all associated functionality (such as money-in and money-out functionality). Then when a new product is created, it is instantiated from this base product at the customer level. This approach provides flexibility and customer centricity, employing a componentbased approach to product development. It provides flexibility through tailoring of the product to customers’ specific needs, almost in a “wizard-type” style. This flexibility allows the bank to price and bill the customer at portfolio level – versus a flat product-related fee. This model also enables the digital bank to expose these financial products as “services” for third party consumers and the integration of these services can be done seamlessly through the bank’s cloud orchestration layer. MOBILE PAYMENTS We need to engage this low-cost payment medium within the digital bank. In time, this will require proactively influencing merchants to adopt specific mobile payment solutions for the digital bank. This will ultimately reduce costs associated with card issuing and management, and will make the payments solution much more accessible and affordable to both the customer and merchant. Gys Hyman is Director of Technology Innovation at Deloitte. To advertise in t WTH men GRO ploy NAL unem ATIO cing D N redu 6 on E AN to SM lution Editi 13 A so SA 20 uth F rica h Af SO Sout EAR ACY sociation R anre 20 Y OvCoof r fuBtu king As u e rt in a DEMst s e Thris Haew h | 20 14 n 11 tE StA oR A KF BAn UtH SoRiCA? 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