Banker S.A. January 2014 | Page 37

CUSTOMER STORY Loan danger Raising a deposit by taking out a second loan may not be the best idea. T he National Credit Regulator (NCR) receives an average of 3 000 complaints per month. Another indication of the immense debt pressure on South African consumers is the 390 000 people who have applied for debt counselling to date. An astounding 46,8% of the country’s 19,98 million credit-active consumers have impaired records. Concerned by the deterioration in consumer credit health, the NCR has been compelled to issue a set of affordability guidelines to assist consumers. In this unforgiving economic climate, more and more consumers, particularly those in the 18 to 35 demographic, are turning to unsecured loans as a source of a deposit for vehicle and home loans. This is verified by the rise in unsecured credit, which grew from 7,8% to 24% from December 2007 to December 2012. By law, the Edition 8 customer story.indd 3 BANKER SA 35 2013/12/19 4:49 PM