Bangkok Farmers Market Magazine July 2014 July 2014 | Page 14

Having heard about this Crackerjack market, I donned my reviewer’s cap and hotfooted it over there. It was certainly big and bustling. I plunged into one of the aisles.

'A packet of your finest lemons,' I said to a local chap as a stand hove into view.

'I would like to sample the very best of the lemons Bangkok has to offer.' I was warming to the subject and was about to expound further on the expected quality of said lemons, when the local fellow stopped me.

'You don't want a cup-holder, then?' he asked, holding up an item of wood.

I begged his pardon.

'We make wicker cheesebaskets and bamboo cupholders. We don't have lemons.'

I don’t mind telling you, I walked away huffily, turning back just once to make sure he noticed the huff.

And I’ll tell you, I walked the length and breadth of the market for several hours and bless me if there isn’t a lemon to be found anywhere.

So I have to give the market a lemon score of zero, I’m afraid.

And that concludes my review. Next month, I’ll be reviewing lemons at the airport.

Bangkok Farmers' Market gets serious now with guest contributions from two renowned writers, both leaders in their field.

The first contribution comes from Eustace Tufton-Tufton, pictured left, the world's best lemon reviewer.

The second contribution comes from infamous travel writer, Camelia Bap, pictured next page.


We dispatched Tufton-Tufton to Chatuchak Market. This is his review.
