Bandung Food Guide (Prototype) Bandung Food Guide Prototype 2 | Page 31
Eat, Click, and Share
picture by @infobdg
In the millennials era,
everything goes online.
Every information, news,
now can be searched
online through search
engine or social media.
Going global also helps
many restaurants or café
owners to market their
place better and easier.
Along with many and many
people who share and talk
about the trending places
to eat and hang out, it
becomes a challenge for
the owners to attract their
guests. Now the term
Instagramable is very
common to hear every
time we go to places. As a
city with active creative
industry, Bandung tries to
offer many places to eat,
hang out, take pictures,
and of course, share it with
your friends!
Bandung Food Guide - ENTREE | 30