BAMOS July 2021
4 President ’ s report 6 News 9 It ' s a wrap : citizen science climate project
Melissa Lyne
10 New trends for East Coast Lows 12 A rare event for spring 2019 14 Friends of Fire 16 Seasonal snaps 18 Shoot for the Moon
ISSN 1035‐6576 Editor : Melissa Lyne Editors‐in‐Chief : Damien Irving , Linden Ashcroft Assistant Editors : Belinda Campbell , Diana Greenslade and Blair Trewin Design : Jeanette Dargaville Publisher : AMOS , GPO Box 1289 , Melbourne VIC 3001 , Australia Submission deadline for next issue : 25 August 2021
Image : Bondi Icebergs . Source : Melissa Lyne
Cover image : Millstream Chichester National Park in Western Australia , July 2021 . Credit : Annalakshmi Yulia / W :
Travel Nut / FB : @
travelnutfamily .
Welcome to the winter issue of BAMOS for 2021 .
These past 18 months have been particularly difficult for us all , with at least half the country in lockdown at the time of writing .
19 BAMOS flashback
And , as the pandemic continues , so too do other disasters — namely storms across the country . Not to mention what is happening overseas .
20 Met Office Science Conference 2021 21 IFMS approach to training
On a positive note , AMOS is using this time to plan members ' workshops , forums and other events for the next two years . Our AMOS President , Angela Maharaj , outlines some of these plans in her column . Please keep an eye on your email for further announcements in the coming months .
22 ' Hug a Climate Scientist ' turns 10 23 Charts of the Past with Blair Trewin 24 Calendar 24 JSHESS contents
Also in this issue are a few visual elements that I really enjoyed . There is the stunning cover image by
Travel Nut from one of my favourite travel destinations : the WA desert . A reminder of the beauty out there , and that not all is wet and cold and horrible in the outside world . There is also a new ' Friends of Fire ' comic from Hamish Clarke , some beautiful winter images from the east coast for the ' Seasonal Snaps ' and a short article from CSIRO on how to photograph the Moon using your smartphone . We also have articles on new research insights into East Coast Lows , as well as the 2019 spring . And a wrap up of Climate History Australia ' s citizen science projects on Zooniverse .
And , as always , there are intriguing contributions from our regular columnists , Terry Hart and Blair Trewin . ( I did get a bit of a shock when I realised the year 2002 could be counted as a ' flashback '— it doesn ' t seem like 19 years ago !)
Sadly , this is also the last issue of BAMOS with Diana Greenslade as an Assistant Editor . For years ( 17 , actually ) Diana has provided BAMOS Editors with sharp and useful observations ahead of each publication . Thank you , Diana , for your valuable contributions and all the best in your new role as Section Manager in the Research Program at the Bureau !
Again , please consider sending me an article or photograph for the next BAMOS . You can send any contributions or suggestions through to
bamos @ amos . org . au .
Take care and stay safe .