BAMOS Winter Vol 34 No.2 July 2021 | Page 24

July 2021


July 2021 28 – 29 AMOS Probabilistic Forecasting Workshop
August 2021
01 – 06 AOGS Virtual : Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 18th Annual Meeting
09 Working Group 1 contribution of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report released
23 – 27 Advancing Earth Observation Forum
September 2021 18 – 30 IOC Ocean Best Practices Workshop 20 – 22 Connecting Our World : Biometeorology 2021 27 – 29 Atmospheric blocking virtual workshop 2021
November 2021 01 – 12 CoP26 Glasgow 08-11 Bureau of Meteorology Annual R & D Workshop
December 2021 13 – 17 AGU Fall meeting
February 2022
8 – 12 ICSHMO 2022 - 13th Annual Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography
August 2022 14 – 19 AOGS 2022 19th Annual Meeting
30 Sept – 02 Oct
WIMSIG Conference 2020 : Celebration of women in Australian mathematical and statistical sciences
Due to the uncertainty around COVID-19 , this is a list of online and / or Australia-based events only .

Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth System Science ( JSHESS )

Volume 71 , Issue 1 , 2021
Research articles
Tracking and short-term forecasting of mesoscale convective cloud clusters over southeast Brazil using satellite infrared imagery . J . R . Siqueira and V . S . Marques
Cutoff low over the southeastern Pacific Ocean : a case study . N . Quispe-Gutierrez , V . Aliaga-Nestares , D . Rodrıguez-Zimmermann , M . Bonshoms , R . Loayza , T . Garcıa , J . Mesia , R . Duran and S . Olivares
Severe convection-related winds in Australia and their associated environments . A . Brown and A . Dowdy
Interdecadal modulation of the effect of ENSO on rainfall in the southwestern Pacific . T . Weir , R . Kumar and A . Ngari
The Antarctic ozone hole during 2018 and 2019 . A . R . Klekociuk , M . B . Tully , P . B . Krummel , S . I . Henderson , D . Smale , R . Querel , S . Nichol , S . P . Alexander , P . J . Fraser and G . Nedoluha
Redefining southern Australia ’ s climatic regions and seasons . S . Fiddes , A . Pepler , K . Saunders and P . Hope
Intense east coast lows and associated rainfall in eastern Australia . A . Pepler and A . Dowdy
Weather systems and extreme rainfall generation in the 2019 north Queensland floods compared with historical north Queensland record floods . J . Callaghan
Seasonal climate summary
Seasonal climate summary for Australia and the southern hemisphere ( summer 2018 – 19 ): extreme heat and flooding prominent . B . S . Hague