BAMOS October 2021
accordance with its ’ values . The EDI Group will not only play a strategic , implementation and advisory role within SOOS but also within the broader Southern Ocean community to make the Southern Ocean science more welcoming to all people . This includes identifying barriers to full participation in SOOS and the Southern Ocean community and acting where possible to circumvent them .
The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development ( UN Decade ) is a global effort to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and provide a common framework to support actions to sustainably manage the oceans and achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development . SOOS is contributing to the UN Decade through co-convening the first Southern Ocean Regional Workshop for the Decade ( February 2020 ) and is a key partner in the
Southern Ocean Task Force to develop the
Southern Ocean Action Plan to contribute to the UN Decade . The second Southern Ocean Regional Workshop was recently held to seek community consultation on this action plan ( September 2021 ).
Southern Ocean Observing System ( SOOS ) is funded by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies , University of Tasmania ; CSIRO ; Tasmanian State Government ; Antarctica New Zealand ; Swedish Polar Research Secretariat ; TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Polar Research Institute ; and University of Cape Town Marine Biogeochemistry Lab .
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