Jun 2019
News—Conference Special
Reflecting on AMOS-ICTMO
Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick and Johanna Speirs
Conference Co-convenors (AMOS)
Overall, the 2019 AMOS-ICTMO conference was a huge
success. Four hundred Australian and international
delegates descended on Darwin for five jam-packed days
of workshops, parallel sessions on oceanography, tropical
processes, regional modelling, drought, climate variability
and change, indigenous weather, extremes and lots of
social and networking opportunities.
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The conference commenced with the Darwin Lord Mayor
describing the eclectic culture of the city, while also
discussing what Darwin is doing to improve sustainability
and reduce its carbon footprint.
Engaging plenaries and keynotes that underpinned the
diverse program included a lesson in convection from
Christian Jakob, a discussion of Indigenous weather
knowledge by Ro Hill, a description of extreme weather of
2018 from Blair Trewin, challenges for Australia in reducing
their emissions by Joëlle Gergis, linkages between ENSO
and the Indian monsoon by Karumuri Ashok, how climate
science is being translated to impacts in the Philippines
by Gemma Narisma, synergies between the tropics and
extra-tropics by Peter Webster, and wildfire dynamics
from Jason Sharples.
The workshops were equally diverse, spanning
communication, tropical meteorology, programming and
the translation of high-impact science.
Delegates enjoyed seeing the main sights of Darwin,
including a special screening of Inventing Tomorrow at the
Deckchair Cinema, a delightful conference dinner on the
grounds of the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern
Territory and the beautiful sunset that the Mindil Beach
markets delivers. The warm, sunny and dry weather of
Darwin at this time of year did not disappoint!
AMOS is looking forward to seeing everyone in Fremantle
for the 2020 conference from the 10–14 February.
An extended summary of the 2019 Conference is in
preparation and will be featured in the September issue
The 'Meet a Scientist' panel answering challenging
questions from local high school students who visited the
AMOS conference. From left: Angela Maharaj (moderator),
Stephanie Downes, Amelie Meyer, Adam Morgan, Johanna
Speirs, Max Gonzales and Ben Arthur.