BAMOS Vol 31 Special Issue October 2018 Bulletin Vol 31 Special Issue 01 2018 | Page 3
Special Issue
AMOS 30th anniversary—celebrate,
connect, engage
7 The establishment of the Australian
Meteorological and Oceanographic
Letters of congratulations
10 Reflections on 30 years of AMOS
30th Anniversary Symposium—
15 Presentation summaries and abstracts
31 Symposium networking and
34 The mystery of the logo mouse
Welcome to a special edition of BAMOS celebrating
the 30th Anniversary of our society and capturing the
history of the society. The Australian Meteorological
and Oceanographic Society was formally established
as an unincorporated association in April 1987 and a
professional society for AMOS sciences in Australia.
Its first year of operation, with a full membership and
a Council and Office Bearers, was 1988. Thirty years
on, the society has wide reach across Australia with
centres in each State and Territory and is renowned for
its Annual Conference.
This special edition contains a number of overview
articles on the history of the society and of the
transition from the Australian Branch of the Royal
Meteorological Society. The lead article by Mary Voice
gives an overview of the activities that took place
in 2017 as part of the Society’s celebration of this
milestone. We include a number of congratulatory
letters, including one from the World Meteorological
Organization, a short article on aspects of the
history by John McBride and a whimsical “tale” by
Matthias Tomczak. The bulk of the issue is taken up
by articles, abstracts and photographs collated from
our Anniversary Symposium—Science for Life, held in
Melbourne in August 2017.
As editors, we feel privileged to put together this
Anniversary edition of the Bulletin and congratulate
you all on your participation in this important
professional society representing atmospheric and
oceanographic sciences in Australia.
ISSN 1035-6576
Editors: Belinda Campbell and John McBride
Editors-in-Chief: Damien Irving, Linden Ashcroft
Assistant Editors: Diana Greenslade, Melissa Lyne and Blair Trewin
Reviewers: John Zillman and Tom Beer
Design: Jeanette Dargaville
Publisher: AMOS, GPO Box 1289, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia
Image: A walk through time with the history of the Australian Weather
Calendars on display at the Symposium held in August 2017. Image
credit: John McBride.
Cover image: Compilation of BAMOS covers from 1989 and 2015. Image
courtesy of Mary Voice and Ian Smith.
Other images: Photographs from the Symposium and related events
used in this publication have been provided by Linden Ashcroft,
Michael Coughlan and John McBride.
We hope you enjoy this retrospective and look forward
to celebrating many more years of AMOS.
Belinda Campbell and
John McBride