Dec 2017
Figure 1. A local Traditional Knowledge expert sharing his knowledge in Vanuatu (Image: Lynda Chambers).
Putting theory into practice across the Pacific
In collaboration with the Climate and Oceans Support Program
in the Pacific (COSPPac), administered by the Bureau of
Meteorology, four Pacific Island NMSs initiated pilot projects
to combine traditional and contemporary forecast systems
(Chambers et al., 2017; Chambers and Plotz, 2017). Trials were
undertaken in Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, with
the respective NMSs having full control over their projects (see
Figure 2 for the project’s process and stages). Initial stages of
the projects involved identifying the extent of TK usage for
weather and climate forecasting. The NMSs established pilot
sites where systematic TK data collection was conducted
(Chambers et al., 2017; Malsale et al., under review). Through
this process traditional indicators, including the behaviour of
plants and animals, wind direction, stars and the moon, were
identified and later stored in a secure, culturally sensitive, and
easy to use TK Database (Chambers et al., 2017). As each country
was interested in integrating traditional and contemporary
seasonal forecast methods, guidance was provided on selecting
the most appropriate forecast combination approach for their
situation (Plotz et al., 2017) and how to verify the resultant
forecasts. The development and verification of the combined
forecasts required the establishment of a local traditional
indicator monitoring network, allowing the assessment of
forecast reliability and the spatial extent of their accuracy,
with associated protocols and systematic data collection
methodologies (see Figure 3; Chambers et al., 2017; Chambers
and Plotz, 2017; Malsale et al., under review; Plotz et al., 2017).
TK was also integrated into climate communication products,
including climate glossaries and seasonal calendars to assist
with discussions on climate variability (Chambers and Plotz,
2017). Regular community feedback is important at all project
stages to ensure that products are developed that meet the
community’s needs.
All four project countries have established the first systematic
TK collection, storage and monitoring process for the Pacific
region (Malsale et al., under review) and are assessing ways to
achieve forecast integration using a decision-making framework
to combine forecast systems (Plotz et al., 2017). To ensure the
project’s longevity, COSPPac is working with the Secretariat of
the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to ensure
ongoing support of the TK Project within the Pacific.