BAMOS Vol 30 No. 3 2017 | Page 3

BAMOS Sept 2017 Contents 4 3 President’s report 6 News 11 Conference reports 14 Article: Australia’s record-breaking winter warmth linked to climate change by Andrew King 16 Article: An atmospheric high- resolution regional reanalysis for Australia by Dörte Jakob et al. 24 Article: The North Sydney Tornado of 1906 by Richard Whitaker 28 Article: Climate change and Christianity is a positive feedback loop by Justin Oogjes 30 Weather in literature quiz with Matthias Tomczak 31 Research Corner with Damien Irving 32 Charts of the Past with Blair Trewin 33 Calendar and JSHESS contents Linden Ashcroft Editor Human questions Welcome to spring, and to the third BAMOS for 2017. It feels like a lot has happened since our last issue. Firstly, AMOS has officially turned 30! There was even a cake. All the details of our birthday celebrations and Anniversary Symposium will be shared in a future special issue, but I will say that the recent Symposium was an inspiring and motivating showcase of our science. Well done to all involved! We’ve also made it through winter. It might have felt like a chilly season (particularly in the south), but Australia has just had its warmest winter days on record. Andrew King has all the details, including the role of climate change, on page 14. Finally, since I last spoke to you, several members have submitted their articles, dare I say even their stories, to share with you in these pages. While we have some fascinating science this issue— including the debut of the Bureau’s new reanalysis — there are also personal tales of tackling the very human questions that exist in the world of weather and climate. ISSN 1035-6576 Editor: Linden Ashcroft Editor-in-Chief: Damien Irving Assistant Editors: Diana Greenslade, Melissa Lyne and Blair Trewin Regional Sub-Editors: Sarah Perry (VIC) Design: Jeanette Dargaville Publisher: AMOS, GPO Box 1289, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia Submission deadline for next issue: 20 November 2017 Contact and submit pieces: [email protected] Submission guidelines available online. Cover image: Cyclone Debbie captured by the Himawari-8 satellite, March 2017 and features of the new BARRA reanalysis. Source: Bureau of Meteorology Image: The AMOS birthday cake. Image: Melissa Lyne. How do gender quotas affect the confidence of those select to help “even things up”? Can Christianity and climate science co- exist? I invite you to have a read, and a think and if you like, write an article tackling your own question. It’d be great to share your thoughts. The last few month have indeed been busy, but there is a lot more to come. Registrations for AMOS-ICSHMO 2018 are now open, weather tipping finals are upon us, and the famous AMOS Arts Competition is open for submissions. If none of those appeal to you, why not write to me about it!