BAMOS Vol 30 No. 3 2017 | Page 17

BAMOS Sept 2017 based on post-processed data from the ACCESS model, and so far has been provided to New South Wales, Tasmania and Western Australia. An Initial Analysis for South Australia is currently underway. The Initial Analysis is produced for the smaller sub-domains shown in Figure 1 and typically covers the period 2011 to 2015. These data were provided as a proof-of- concept and allows agencies to explore the use of this type of information for their applications. validating the necessity to undertake higher resolution reanalyses. In other words, the 12-km suite BARRA-R provides better initial conditions for the 1.5-km downscaling suite, than ERA-Interim. Evaluating the reanalysis Evaluation of the reanalysis data against gridded products such as AWAP (raingauge-interpolated) rainfall data (Figure 3) shows that BARRA-R—unlike AWAP—not only provides a complete spatial coverage over the continent and the ocean but also captures the large scale spatial characteristics with typically comparative magnitudes. Our evaluation results for the 12-km reanalysis suite include a comparison against temperature at 2 m height from ERA- Interim (Figure 2). ERA-Interim is a global atmospheric reanalysis at approximately 80 km resolution produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. The 12- km reanalysis is found to be more skilful than ERA-Interim (blue curve) in terms of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and bias. This result illustrates the importance of increasing spatial resolution from 80 km to 12 km to better reflect surface conditions, While we are continuously monitoring the output we are producing as part of the activities to derive the reanalysis products, there is also a need to evaluate the reanalysis products against observations to gain an understanding of how well these products represent observed meteorological conditions and where post-processing of data (e.g. bias correction) would be appropriate. Cannon et al. (2015) for example present an evaluation of wind speeds from Modern Era Retrospective- Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) produced by Figure 1. Region of Australian reanalysis product. The larger region shows the domain covered by the 12-km reanalysis (BARRA-R) system with the smaller boxes showing the area of four 1.5 km downscaled subdomain, namely BARRA-PH, BARRA-AD, BARRA-TA, and BARRA-SY (left to right). The exact extent for BARRA AD is yet to be finalised. 17