BAMOS Vol 30 No. 2 2017 | Page 20

20 BAMOS June 2017 Intensity-related heatwave metrics show some reduction in model error when bias-corrected, though this is predominantly the case for coastal stations (Fig. 3a). Those coastal stations affected by bias-correction in the recent climate lend more credence to the equivalent bias-corrected stations for future projections (Fig. 3b). Smaller increases in heatwave amplitude are projected for these stations, compared with the equivalent uncorrected model runs. The EHF-derived heatwave indices are relative measures that are calculated using a percentile-based threshold. In contrast, more traditional indices that use fixed thresholds indicate bias- correction has in fact a substantial effect on model output. For example, the index SU30, which calculates days that exceed 30°C (Alexander and Herold, 2015), shows substantial decreases in model error to observations when bias-corrected model runs are used (Fig. 4). Bias-corrected regional simulations of future changes in SU30, and potentially other similarly derived indices, would therefore be highly valuable. Conclusion To inform future health policy and planning, we need to understand how heatwaves might change on a regional scale. The key to reliable projections is to decrease uncertainty related to model output. Our study suggests that bias- correction can substantially increase the ability of an RCM ensemble to simulate the recent climate, though this is highly dependent on the type of metric being investigated. Metrics which are minimally affected by bias-correction, such as those based on relative thresholds, may not necessarily require these sophisticated datasets. Other metrics, such as those based on fixed thresholds, could benefit greatly in using bias-corrected data. This work, however, is specific to the NARCliM simulations and EHF-derived metrics, and so further work investigating other regions, methods and simulations is necessary to determine if these conclusions are universally applicable. References Alexander LV, Arblaster JM. 2009. Assessing trends in observed and modelled climate extremes over Australia in relation to future projections. Int. J. Climatol. 29: 417–435. Alexander L, Herold N. 2015. ClimPACTv2: indices and software. Technical report of the World Meteorological Organisation Commission for climatology expert team on sector-specific climate indices. World Meteorological Organisation. https://github. com/ARCCSS-extremes/climpact2/blob/master/ClimPACTv2_ manual.pdf (accessed 23 November 2015). Cowan T, Purich A, Perkins S, Pezza A, Boschat G, Sadler K. 2014. More frequent, longer and hotter heat waves for Australia in the 21st century. J. Clim. 27: 5841–5871, doi: 10.1175/ JCLI-D-14-00092.1. Curriero FC, Heiner KS, Samet JM, Zeger SL, Strug L, Patz JA. 2002. Temperature and mortality in 11 cities of the eastern United States. Am. J. Epidemiol. 155: 80–87. D’Ippoliti D, Michelozzi P, Marino C, de’Donato F, Menne B, Kat- souyanni K, Kirchmayer U, Analitis A, Medina-Ramón M, Paldy A, Atkinson R, Kovats S, Bisanti L, Schnedier A, Lefranc A, Iñiguez C, Perucca CA. 2010. The impact of heat waves on mortality in 9 Euro- pean cities: results from the EuroHEAT project. Environ. Health 9: 37, doi: 10.1186/1476-069X-9-37. Evans JP, Ji F, Lee C, Smith P, Argüeso D, Fita L. 2014. Design of a regional climate modelling projection ensemble experiment – NARCliM. Geosci. Model 10.5194/gmd-7-621-2014. Gross MH, Alexander LV, Macadam I, Green D. 2017. The representation of health-relevant heatwave characteristics in a Regional Climate Model ensemble for New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Int. J. Climatol. 37: 1195– 1210, doi: 10.1002/joc.4769. Jones DA, Wang W, Fawcett R. 2009. High-quality spatial climate data-sets for Australia. Aust. Meteorol. Ocean. J. 58: 233–248. Nairn J, Fawcett R. 2013. Defining heatwaves: heatwave defined as a heat-impact event servicing all community and business sectors in Australia. Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research: Melbourne, Australia, 84 pp. Perkins SE, Alexander LV. 2013. ON the measurement of heat