BAMOS Autumn 2021 Vol 34 No.1 | Page 3

BAMOS April 2021


4 President ’ s report 5 Awards 7 News
ISSN 1035‐6576 Editor : Melissa Lyne Editors‐in‐Chief : Damien Irving , Linden Ashcroft Assistant Editors : Belinda Campbell , Diana Greenslade and Blair Trewin Design : Jeanette Dargaville Publisher : AMOS , GPO Box 1289 , Melbourne VIC 3001 , Australia Submission deadline for next issue : 14 June 2021
Contact and submit pieces : bamos @ amos . org . au . Submission guidelines are available online and at the end of this issue .
Image : Bondi Icebergs . Source : Melissa Lyne
Cover image : International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 , at AMOS 2021 .
Welcome to the autumn issue of BAMOS for 2021 .

Melissa Lyne 8 AMOS 2021

Editor 10 Climate Classrooms 12 MetMatters : new RMetS blog 14 CASANZ 2021 15 19th century weather extremes 16 Rejection 18 BAMOS flashback 20 Seasonal snaps 22 Obituaries
When I was working at the BoM , many years ago , part of my role was to interview and write about the staff and their work for the then in-house publication , Weather News . This included people who were about to retire . We ' d sit down and go over their career . Not too long after that there ' d be a farewell cake and I ' d take photos to accompany the article celebrating their BoM life . It was during one of these chats that I was told life had seasons . The person retiring said while I was in my spring ( again , this was many years ago !) he was at the end of his autumn now . It was a bittersweet moment — he was looking forward to tending to his actual autumn garden but also reflecting on how his personal time on Earth was placed . 25 Charts of the Past with Blair Trewin 26 Calendar
The supportive community that is AMOS — in the respect and care our members have for each other — is most apparent to me in two ways . Firstly , at every AMOS conference . Though the program is packed , there is genuine joy on people ' s faces when they see each other again . Secondly , I see this respect and care in the BAMOS obituaries . A lot of thought goes into these pieces . 26 JSHESS contents
Loss is a deep and central theme for many this year , myself included . Australian writer Clementine Ford recently said , " sometimes we ' re forced to say goodbye too early , but the theft of more time doesn ' t change the gift of what it meant to have any time at all ." There are three obituaries in this issue of BAMOS . Each piece carefully reflects on the professional lives of each unique person — and the gifts they left us all in their time here .
Going back to the topic of the AMOS conference , although we couldn ' t meet in person this year , the virtual format was surprisingly connective . Many found moments and ways to connect online . Or meet up and join the conference remotely but together .
And there ' s a lot more in this issue of BAMOS to enjoy . One of my favourites is a piece on by Andy Pitman on rejection .
As always , please consider contributing to the next BAMOS . Especially if you take any photos of the weather ! Please send any contributions or suggestions to me at bamos @ amos . org . au .
Take care .