The following are symptoms, part of the
‘healing crisis’, which appear as the body
This is the most common symptom and it often occurs in people who
have weak kidneys or who eat sparingly. Usually it takes around a
week to decrease and it emits all kinds of wastes and toxins within the
cells. You will likely feel refreshed afterwards and you can safely resume
your intake bamboo salt. However, people with kidney diseases need
to gradually increase the amount of salt intake so that their bodies can
adapt to it.
Headache, nausea, vomiting
These are symptoms which appear as the sputum in the stomach is
eliminated. These symptoms are temporary and usually disappear in
2~3 days, which is proof of your stomach becoming healthier.
As the stomach and intestines regain vitality, wastes and toxins are
excreted. Having mild diarrhea as you intake bamboo salt is rather
good, because it means constipation is alleviated and your intestines
become healthier.
Itching, hives
These are very common symptoms of the healing crisis, which occur as
waste in the body is emitted through the pores. Therefore, if someone
is experiencing these symptoms, s/he should eat bamboo salt more
diligently for detoxification.
As one regularly consumes bamboo salt or bamboo salt water, different
symptoms may emerge depending on the diseases. These are part of
the healing crisis, which is the body’
s reaction to cure diseases, and
they disappear naturally.