Bamboo Salt English | Page 24

Bamboo salt passed electrons to the hypochlorite compound ( HClO ) and caused reduction reactions to change it into chloride ions and water, both harmless to the human body. This indicates that the various bamboo salt minerals show different chemical reactions from those of solar salt and refined salt. The metal minerals in bamboo salt give one or two electrons and become ionized. In this way, electrons of various minerals become involved in reduction reaction, but refined salt has almost no other elements other than sodium chloride, so it cannot have any particular reactions. It was an unexpected result that solar salt, which is rich with minerals, didn’t have the reaction to purify hypochlorite. As you have seen in the experiment of rusty nails, solar salt has almost no reduction ability. In conclusion, the rusty nails experiment and chlorine removal ability experiment proved that bamboo salt, solar salt, and refined salt are ‘salt’ with similar or the same salty taste, but they are different materials that have different chemical reactions. In other words, bamboo salt is a bioactive substance which makes body tissues and activates enzymes, and its function is very high compared to that of refined and solar salt. 24 24 24