When Big Chief Tshepang Moji enters a room , it ’ s like a warmth surrounds you , whether you are meeting him for the first time , or catching up , he is a personality that draws you in , making you feel like a long-lost friend . Meeting him for the first time at The Reid , I knew this was someone I needed to know . By Roxanne Martin
Big Chief , a TUKS LLB student , and 5fm DJ , has been selected as one of the ambassadors for the Balwin Sport Marathon Series , to build up to his first half marathon , which will be run at the Balwin Sport Peninsula Marathon . My first question while seemingly obvious answers a lot , ‘ Why did you start running ?’
“ So initially , I wanted to lose the belly fat . But once I started it became less and less about that , and more about just getting my mental health in check . I think particularly after the pandemic , I just felt like I was someone different . And because university and life stress gets a lot , I just wanted something to you know , get me out and clear my mind , I felt running could be that outlet ,”
We speak about running being a meditation and how moving your feet , and controlling your breathing creates a space where you can just find peace in the simple act of movement , “ I almost find running is the meditation that I never knew I needed . And it ’ s just me dealing with what I need to deal with while running . I feel great and because I went into running with that mindset , the minute I get into a flow state , after four kilometers , I ’ m like , I can take on the world . Mo Farah , who are you ? It ’ s exciting .”
Being the life of the party , Big Chief did find the transition into his new healthier lifestyle a bit daunting at first , leaving the jol first , and eating healthy but with his eye on the prize he kept going and his perseverance started to change his life for the better , “ I hated morning runs , because I love my pillow . But they helped me to sort out my day . So now I ’ m at a point where I walk into the house after a run open up the laptop , answer emails , study tests and get all my admin out the way before the day starts . And I just feel much better because I decided to run .”
We all hear the story of going from the couch to 5km , but that ’ s a true story for Big Chief , who describes himself as ‘ a pretty lazy person ’ who loved the couch . As we know , when you begin this journey , it just keeps motivating you : “ It ’ s been incredible just knowing I can get out there for me . If I put foot onto the road , I ’ m like , okay , good . That ’ s the first victory .”
Coming from a family of runners , both Big Chief ’ s parents were runners and he has been using that as his motivation from day one . “ I think because of them , I ’ m like , every time someone asks me why I am running , I say to myself your parents could do this , so you should be able to .” His dad was desperate to do Comrades but because of an accident , he was never able to get there . And while the goal is a half marathon , there is that dream for maybe one day .
“ You know , for me , I think the beauty of the sport is that you ’ re running . It ’ s not the races you ’ re going to do it ’ s not about the distance you ’ re going to do , the beauty in it is that you ’ re running . You ’ re doing way more than most . And you can tell yourself you ’ ve changed your whole life with this .
22 Balwin Jeppe Marathon 2025