Theaters & Performing Arts
– SPIN Magazine
Baltimore Shakespeare Factory 3900 Roland Ave .; 410-662-9455 ; BaltimoreShakespeareFactory . org We produce 5 plays each year at the Elizabethan-style Great Hall Theatre in Hampden and offer outreach and education opportunities , workshops and camps to audiences of all ages .
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall , 1212 Cathedral St .; 410-783-8100 ; BSOMusic . org Internationally recognized as one of the world ’ s most important orchestras ; performs 100 + concerts a year .
Chesapeake Shakespeare Company 7 S . Calvert St .; 410-244-8570 ; ChesapeakeShakespeare . com A custom-built theater , inspired by the Globe , in a historic downtown bank building . The award-winning company presents Shakespeare and other classics .
Everyman Theatre 315 W . Fayette St .; 410-752-2208 ; EverymanTheatre . org A professional equity repertory company of Baltimore / Washington artists presents quality , accessible and affordable theater .
France-Merrick Performing Arts Center
12 N . Eutaw St .; 410-837-7400 ; France-MerrickPAC . com France-Merrick Performing Arts Center is the home of the historic Hippodrome Theater and the newly opened M & T Bank Exchange .
Iron Crow Theatre 45 W . Preston St .; 443-637-2769 ; IronCrowTheatre . org Baltimore ’ s only professional queer theater , celebrating the renegade and the unorthodox in all of us .
The Lyric 140 W . Mt . Royal Ave .; 410-900-1150 ; LyricBaltimore . com From concerts to comedy , dance and theater , we have been bringing world class entertainment to Baltimore for over 120 years !
Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament
Arundel Mills , 7000 Arundel Mills Cir ., Hanover , MD ; 443-755-0011 ; MedievalTimes . com Feast on a 4-course meal and watch spectacular pageantry , exquisite horsemanship and authentic medieval jousting ; find local discounts at MedievalTimes . com / visitbaltimore .
Morgan State University , Carl J . Murphy Fine Arts Center 2201 Argonne Dr .; 443-885-4347 ; MurphyFineArtsCenter . org Baltimore ’ s most modern venue , with state-of-the-art facilities for showcasing the performing and visual arts .
Motor House 120 W . North Ave .; 410-637-8300 ; MotorHouseBaltimore . com Located in the Station North Arts District , we are a 3-story arts hub with performance space , venue bar , studio spaces and offices .
Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University
1 E . Mount Vernon Pl .; 667-208-6500 ; Peabody . JHU . edu Among the world ’ s most prestigious music schools ; stages 100 classical and jazz performances annually at its historic Mount Vernon campus .
Toby ’ s Dinner Theatre of Columbia
5900 Symphony Woods Rd ., Columbia , MD ; 410-730-8311 ; TobysDinnerTheatre . com Baltimore / Washington ’ s only professional dinner theater in-theround features critically acclaimed musicals , 8 shows weekly and a lavish buffet .
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