ballgown may,2016 | Page 11

If you're planning to make the ball outside, you first might probobly worry about the weather, because if it will be cold ore hot might as well let them know for they can bring a coat. if is going to be windy that will be a problem for your decorations, things falling from the tables and botherd the guest. No body likes getting there hair ruined. In a ball there will be alot of guest that love to dance and will likely wiil whant to dance so the problem is if its outside you need to worry about the grass you dont whant accidents ore people getting stuck with there heels ore getting mudy because were there grass there's always dirt.

but there are always solutions to the problems like the thing you can do to avoid the sun is that you can A canopy or tables with umbrellas. also you can have insects problems they will be all over the place, the food ore botther your guests. but you can add a big tent a nice one, to avoid the insects. but the good thing to do the ball outside is that there's a beutiful view like the gardens ore were there's lakes, big trees ore a pretty big park those are beutiful places you can do the ball.

If your planning to make the ball indoor, there are are some codeviolations that would restrict you from decorating your indoor venue the way you want but again, you wont have to worry about the weather, like the wind won't knock down your decorations and bugs won't bother your guests and an indoor ball is sometimes the safest bet. in your indoor ball you have to also look how big you want the place to be because there's some issues that the place is to small at the location.