Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 7

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE Small Business Association Company Profile and Week of Activities pgs 117 - 119 Are You Addicted To Your Story - Are You Present? pgs 120 - 121 The Bartender - Nikos Arvanitis pgs 122 123 Pugs Bar and Restaurant pgs 124 - 125 Barbadian Village Shops pg 126 115 Rum Shop Talk pg 127 Barbados and Rum pg 130 Caribbean Fine Art Fair Barbados pgs 138 140 DJ Simmons pgs 142 - 145 DoJangles Publishing pg 147 117 - 119 Poets and Poetry pgs 148 - 149 Spoken Word Artist - Idrees Saleem pgs 150 - 151 Photography - Bajan Hype pg s 152 - 153 Photography - KrynK Arts pg 154 10 Traits Entrepreneurs and Einstein pgs158 - 161 122 - 123 138 - 140 142 - 145 | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline OCT 2014