Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 52

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE OCT 2014 Workout Tips For The Beginner 10 Think About Your Muscles I know this might sound silly, but it's important to actually focus your mind on the muscle you're training. "Learn to really feel your muscles," advises Orlando. "You can practice without even picking up a weight. While you're at home, flex your arm and feel your biceps contracting." Being able to focus your mind on what your muscles are doing is often called the "mindmuscle connection." Consciously telling your muscles to move in a certain way will help you visualize and develop the target muscle group. The mind-muscle connection is the way to maximize a workout, according to Orlando. "You aren't just there to count reps. You're there to really feel the muscle through each and every segment of the movement pattern." PHOTO BY: CLYDE BARNETT